So we recently returned from family vacation in Denver. Just a little bit of history; Denver is one of Sam and my favorite places. For as long as we have known one another we have loved going to Denver. It is a place where some of the greatest memories of our lives were made. We have seen Widespread Panic at Red Rocks Amphitheater so many times most people think we are crazy! In fact, it was in Denver in June of 2003 that Sam proposed. It was a beautiful day, as most are in Denver during the summer, we were surrounded by our closest friends when Sam got down on one knee and asked me to "spend the rest of my life with him." Of course I said yes!!
When Ayden was 11 months old, we took him to Denver for the first time. All he really cared about was getting to fly on an airplane!
Four years later, we finally made it back. This time we had both boys with us. We stayed at the Warwick, which is the only hotel in Denver with a rooftop pool. By the way, the pool is where we spent the majority of our trip!
We did manage to get the boys out of the pool long enough to do a few other things. Charlotte came in from Albuquerque to spend some time with the boys. She took them to the Denver Zoo where Ayden apparently slept most of the time in the stroller! A Denver trip would not be complete without spending a little time with the Boys! By "Boys," I mean JB, Schools and the rest of the Widespread Panic gang! While Charlotte had our boys, we took in some music in a place I think must be one of the most incredible venues in the world.
We did some sightseeing, lots of walking, eating, and tons of family bonding. I am reminded that life in unpredictable. You have no guarantee on tomorrow and no second chances at today. I am so thankful to have the opportunities to make these memories with my family.
Well, I have decided to hop on the blog train! Its not that I find my life to extremely fascinating, but there are some things that happen around here that will make you laugh and sometimes cry. More than anything, there are moments I never want to forget. Since my two boys, who are almost five and two, still don't have a baby book, this looks like my only shot! I have lots of ground to make up so I'll jump right in.
The Kerr Family

We are the Kerr's
Hi, we are the Kerr Family. Our story began when I met Sam in College. By no means was it love at first sight, but through the years we realized we could not live without each other. So, May 15, 2004, we tied the knot. In our first years of marriage, we were both in graduate school, which meant we were short on money and free time. Somehow, we still managed to have the time of our lives! About the time we were getting ready to graduate and planning how we would spend our newfound time and money, we got a little surprise. While we thought that being pregnant at that time was less than ideal, it turned out to be the most amazing thing that could ever happen to us! Ayden Kennedy Kerr was born August 18, 2006. This time, it certainly was love at first sight! He changed our lives in a way I never knew possible. Sam and I really didn't have a clue as to what we were doing but somehow we all survived! A year later, Sam made a forced career change (more on that another day) that put our marriage to the test. It was probably the tallest hurdle we have jumped to date. The important thing is, we did make it over and kept on running! In 2008, we moved from our tiny little house into our dream house (at least it was at the time). Another year flew by and then there were four. Beckham Samuel Kerr was born August 26, 2009. Once again, it was love at first sight. Almost Two years have passed since then and I am so excited to fill you in on all the details as they come to me! Stay tuned.
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